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Renovation pit falls and how to avoid them

Home renovation is an exciting time. It allows home owners to retain their local lifestyle while enhancing their home comfort. For someone looking increase appeal with minimal investment, renovations that add the most value to your home include a facade makeover, kitchen and bathroom update and appealing outdoor entertaining space. According to the Domain Group, small improvements to the façade of the home add between $40,000 and $100,000. This is because it’s the first thing people see when they walk or drive past a home. A key to a great renovation experience is proper planning and execution of your ideas. The following are the most common pitfalls of renovations and guidelines on how to avoid them.


1. Poor Preparation 


It is imperative to realise the importance of planning when you first start the renovation process. Make a proper plan that will guide you in regard to your expectations of the renovation. Speak to an architect or designer and get a builder involved in the process. BY working with both you can ensure that your designs don't exceed your budget. A design and construct builder can be a great option of this. Planning for accommodation while your home is renovated is also important. An indication from a builder as to how long the project will take to complete will give you an idea as to the lease term you may want to enter into if you are planning to rent while the renovation takes place.

A contract should be signed with a builder prior to any work taking place. The contract should outline the scope of work, pricing and timing of the project. Avoid purchasing any items such bathroom fixtures and fittings, tiles or lighting as masking changes or having retailers store them for you may become costly. 

2. Hiring Incompetent Professionals 

Hiring an incompetent builder is guaranteed to be detrimental to you project. Do your research prior to making a decision. Referrals are a great place to start but should not be the sole contributing factor to for your decision. What worked for someone may not be right for you. Meet with potential contractors and make sure you feel comfortable with them. Be sure they understand your vision and what you are looking to achieve. Have a look at the work there have previously completed. Through the above you will get a good idea whether a particular builder is the right fit for you. A local architect and builder experienced in working with the local council is always recommended. Prior to engaging a builder, make sure they are licensed and insured.


3. Having Unrealistic Expectations

Having unrealistic expectations can be considerate hindrance when renovating. It is very important to be upfront about your budget from the start. By setting a renovation budget and having a design in line with that budget will ensure that budget blow outs do not occur. Expectations around timelines are also important. Reality TV shows although entertaining to watch are far from reality when it comes to renovation time frames. It's best to speak to your builder and work together to make sure the proposed duration of the project works for you both.

4. Doing it Yourself 

Renovations can be costly and doing it yourself may seem like an attractive option to save money. As mentioned above, reality TV shows have taught us that anyone can pick up a hammer and knock up a quick deck. What these shows don't show the extent of the remedial and make good work that takes place prior to these properties being revealed for sale. There may be better options as a way of reducing costs than to take on tasks yourself. Some work such as painting you may be able to do yourself, but be mindful if it's not something you have experience with, it's best left to professionals. The cost to repair faulty work is much higher than having a tradesman do it in the first place.


5. Cutting Corners 

The sweet taste of cheap quote is quickly overtaken by the sour taste of a cheap renovation. It's not always practical or beneficial to opt for the cheapest option. From the builder you decide to engage to the fittings you choose, cheapest is rarely the best value. A cheap builder will need to make their margin somewhere. Cutting corners is generally the first place they start with. A cheap tap may be an attractive option but even though it may be covered by warranty, the labour to replace the tap is a lot more expensive and often not covered in that warranty. Don't skimp on items that are costly to replace. It's better to negotiate on price at a retailer then on quality at home.

6. Not Complying with Regulations 

When renovating it's important to stick to what you are permitted to do under your DA or CDC. Minor changes are not an issue, however more significant items such as enlarging a window, building a larger area than what has been approved or changing the landscaping plans without formal approval can be a costly exercise and delay you in receiving your occupational certificate (OC). Ensure that any PC items you supply such as taps and showers comply with the BASIX certificate as this can also impact your ability to obtain an OC.

7. Ignoring Issues 

Nobody likes an unexpected additional expense, however, fact is that renovations, especially of older building will have some hidden issues with them that are only discovered one floors are taken up or ceilings taken down. Some people decide to ignore issues that come up so as to avoid the extra expense associated with fixing them. You must remember that the cost to repair an issue when discovered is much lower than fixing it later, once other work has taken place which is also affected. It's a good practice to allocate around 10% of your budget for unexpected, unforeseen expenses. 


​8. Being too caught up in trends.

Generally speaking, it’s probably better to avoid being too ‘on trend’ and focus on what you like and the comfort you are looking for. You are after a flexible foundation for your home that has the ability to change and evolve over time as you do. If however you are renovating to sell, then talking to local real estate agents to gain an understanding of what buyers are looking for may be something worth doing.

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