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The challenges of building in Sydney's Inner West

Unlike knockdown-rebuilds and renovations in areas where the streets are wide, the blocks are large and infrastructure is new, construction in the Inner West of Sydney does come with it's challenges, and selecting an experienced local builder is imperative. Here we highlight the five major challenges of renovating in Sydney's Inner West


1. Retaining facades and other existing aspects of the building

Existing facades are often required to be retained under conservation and heritage protection orders which applies to many parts of Sydney's Inner West, particularly Balmain, Rozelle, Leichhardt and Annandale. Retaining existing walls situated on the boundary of a site may also be advantageous as it allows the size of the block to be utilised more effectively. Demolishing such walls would require the new wall to be built with a set back of minimum 900mm which can greatly affect the comfort of a home. There may also be Internal features of older style homes such as fireplaces and archways which you may want to retain. Demolishing aspects of a home while retaining others requires careful planing and execution. Propping of ceiling and roofs, supporting walls while excavating and underpinning and protecting internal elements of the home can present challenges and should only be undertaken by an experienced builder with technical structural knowledge. 

2. Access

Narrow streets and limited access sites are another challenge facing renovators and builders in Sydney's Inner West. Delivery and storage of materials as well as providing access for machinery are the main issues confronted by builders. Lack of planning or experience can result in additional cost for owners as a result of additional delivery fees and the use of manual labour in stead of machinery. In situations where machinery is not an option, skilled tradesman with experience in working in confined spaces is essential. In addition to higher cost, delay in projects are also very likely when an inexperienced contractor is engaged for such projects.

3. Tree protection


Sydney's Inner West is a highly populated, high density housing area with abundance of vegetation. As a result many renovations are affected by the requirement to ensure certain trees are well protected during the construction process. Excavating near protected vegetation requires extreme caution and often the supervision of an arborist. Damage to local vegetation is not only devastating for the environment but also attracts severe penalties. Stop work orders while investigation take place have been know to occur which can have a significant impact on the project completion date. A builder with experience in working in proximity of protected vegetation can eliminate any potential damage to these and ensure the project runs smoothly.

4. Easements

Storm water and sewer easements are often found in properties located in Sydney's Inner West. As part of an extension to a property, it is often required that these easements are relocated or encased. This entails working closely with Sydney Water and their accredited contractors to ensure the work is completed as per specification. A completion certificate is than required prior to the next stage of the project being able to commence. A builder experienced in these processes can be beneficial in minimising completion timeframe and costings.

5. Dealing with Council and the odd grumpy neighbour

Having good relationships with council and ensuring that your builder complies to their regulations in imperative in maintaining a smooth and timely progress of the project. Making sure that permits are obtained in a timely manner is also crucial. 

Working in close proximity to neighbouring properties can upset neighbours. Noise, dust and taking up on street parking are the issues most commonly raised by upset neighbours. You need a builder who does the right thing, is respectful to your neighbours and can manage the odd difficult local. Keeping your neighbours happy not only helps in keeping the project running smoothly but also ensure a good future relationship with your neighbours.

For more information on any of the above, please feel free to get in touch.

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