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Are you ready to start building?

If you are thinking about or have made the decision to renovate your home, the following information will be very useful to you. The list below highlights the steps, documentation and relevant consultants which are required in order to be able to commence construction. The extent to which you are looking to renovate your home will determine which of the below items will apply to you. 

The list below is extensive and can be overwhelming. No need to worry though. At Heuer Constructions we can assist with it all. From concept and initial consultation, to construction, we are here for you. If you have already started the process and have some of the documentation prepared, we can assist with the missing pieces. If you have all your documentation prepared and are ready to commence construction, we can do that too. We are more than happy to work with your architect and consultants and build your dream home. Our aim is to take care of the tedious aspects of the building process and allow you to enjoy the fun aspect of renovating your home.

1. Initial Consultation | Architect or Designer


During this consultation, you provide the architect or designer

with a design brief, outlining what you are looking to achieve,

the aspects of the home you would like to retain, and the vision

for the renovation.

2. Survey Plan | Registered Surveyor


Prepared by a registered surveyor within the last 5 years to Australian Height Datum (AHD), the survey plan provides the location of boundaries, paths, driveways, fences, retaining walls and other structures.

3. Design Plans | Architect or Designer


​Architectural plans outline the extent of the design including aspects and features of the home which are to be retained, alterations and extension to the existing dwelling. The documentation includes;

  • Site plan

  • Floor and roof plans

  • Elevations and sections

  • Shadow diagram

  • Schedule of materials, colours and finishes


4. Statement of environmental effects | Architect or Designer


The statement must include the full description of the design, outline the environmental impact of the proposal and provide an assessment against all relevant controls in the LEP and DCP as well as any applicable SEPP


5. Heritage impact statement | Heritage Architect

Any application for a property identified as a heritage item must be accompanied by a heritage impact statement.


6. Landscaping Plan | Landscape Architect


landscaping plan highlights the landscaped area of the proposal, including any trees or vegetation which is to be retained or removed, and proposed new plantings


7. Storm water drainage concept plan | Hydraulic Engineer


A stormwater drainage plan demonstrates how storm water will be managed on the site. This plan also includes the proposed use of on-site detention tanks, rain water tanks and storm water pits.


8. Structural engineers report | Structural Engineer


A structural engineer is required to prepare a design which will structurally support the new design as well as outline what support may be required for the aspects of the existing home which are to be retained.


9. Geotechnical Report | Geotechnical Engineer


This report is required when the design proposed to excavate to a depth of two meters or more. Common reason for such excavation is underground parking and structural piers.


10. Arborist report | Arborist


An arborist will be required to prepare a report and tree protection plan when works such as excavation is proposed within close proximity to a prescribed tree.


11. Waste management plan | Architect or Builder


The waste management plan identifies how construction and ongoing waste is dealt with.


12. BASIX certificate | BASIX Consultant


A BASIX or building sustainability index, is a NSW Government planning measure to reduce household electricity and water use by setting minimum sustainability targets for new and renovated homes.



13. Car parking and vehicle access plans | Architect 


For renovations or new builds where off street parking is proposed, these plans provide information of the proposed plans compliance with AS2890.1, adjacent road gutter levels and other relating matters


14. Traffic and parking assessment report | Traffic Engineer


This report is for when more technical information is required, generally associated with underground parking facilities.


15. Contamination / Remediation Action Plan  | Contamination Consultant


In situations where preliminary investigation identifies a site is contaminated and is likely to require remediation, a plan must be prepared as to how the remediation is to be undertaken.

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For more information on any of the above, please feel free to get in touch.
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